Fractional Laser Treatment
The collective desire to stay forever young has created an enormous market for anti-aging treatments. Recent developments in laser technology are now delivering a longer lasting and scientifically proven method of restoring the natural beauty of the skin. Unlike traditional treatments such as dermabrasion and chemical peels, the unique characteristics of laser skin resurfacing allow more accurate and precise control over the treatment process.
Fotona SP Lasers
Fotona’s SP line of laser systems are designed to perform all major aesthetic treatments. By combining two complementary laser wavelengths Fotona SP lasers function as highly versatile, multi-purpose systems that can perform an exceptionally wide range of applications in aesthetics, surgery and gynecology. Fotona’s Nd:YAG wavelength is effective for reaching the deepest layers of the skin, while the Er:YAG wavelength is ideal for brushing away surface imperfections to reveal visually attractive, long-lasting results.
Fractional Resurfacing with Fotona
State-of-the-art scanners and fractional options make Fotona’s mult-application SP lasers a truly comprehensive solution for your practice. Fotona’s TURBO mode for high-definition fractional treatments and Fotona SMOOTH mode for high-speed, minimally-ablative coagulation regimes provide new levels of treatment possibilities. Like using an artist’s palette, you can precisely mix and match cold ablation and thermal effects to achieve perfect results.
In addition, the Nd:YAG laser also enables FRAC3® non-ablative rejuvenation treatments – a breakthrough fractional approach in anti-aging and aesthetics in which the tiniest age-related skin inhomogeneities are treated with a minimum of damage to the surrounding skin, ensuring superior results and quicker recoveries.